Explain the impact of the similarities on professional nursing practice.
Nursing Theorist Martha Rogers and her Theory of Human being
Provide a general discussion of your personal philosophy of nursing (e.g., its
purpose, relevance and/or importance) and the purpose of the paper. Content
must be paraphrased. Never copy/paste from a source even if you give credit.
Personal Philosophy
1.Thoroughly describe each major concept in the metaparadigm (i.e., nursing,
person, environment, and health) as they are incorporated within your own
personal philosophy.
Identify and explain what professional values, characteristics, or qualities are
reflected in the personal philosophy
3.Provide a brief and concise, clinical example of how each concept in the
personal philosophy is demonstrated within your own nursing practice, i.e., how
do you incorporate your beliefs about nursing, health, environment and person
into your nursing practice on a routine basis? For example, if you believe the
person is composed of body/mind/spirit, describe the exact ways you apply that
belief in your care.
Nursing Theorist
1.Briefly and concisely describe the major focus of the theory and its concepts
And relationships.
2.Thoroughly describe each major metaparadigm concept (i.e., nursing, person,
environment, and health) as they are incorporated within the theory.
Content must be paraphrased. Never copy/paste from a source even if you give
Similarities and Impact
1.Compare the discussion of each concept in the metaparadigm between the
personal philosophy and the theory. Identify and describe at least one
similarity for each of the four metapardigm concepts between your philosophy and that of the theorist.
2.Explain the impact of the similarities on professional nursing practice.
Logical closure to the full scope of ideas presented by reemphasizing the main
points of the paper and/or providing suggestions. Content must be paraphrased
Never copy/paste from a source even if you give credit. This should not be an
editorial commentary on nursing but rather a summation of the main points of
the paper.